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  • The Land of Plenty

  • A Soulpreneur’s Guide to Finding Joy, Possibility, and Abundance Through Money Empowerment
  • De : Carolynn Bottino
  • Lu par : Carolynn Bottino
  • Durée : 5 h et 1 min

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The Land of Plenty

De : Carolynn Bottino
Lu par : Carolynn Bottino
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    What would be possible if your relationship with money was joyful and empowered? 

    Welcome to The Land of Plenty. Author Carolynn Bottino, founder of the Money Empowerment Project™, shares her own transformational money story and her most powerful and practical tips for creating joy and abundance with your money. You’ll discover how to unlearn the money beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you in scarcity, how to take deliberate action to create abundance, and leave fear, shame, and guilt behind so you can live in "The Land of Plenty".

    Consider this audiobook your invitation to:

    • Break through and embody joy and abundance.
    • Understand where you have been and where you want to be financially.
    • Work on your money mindset and money mindfulness.
    • Recognize where you are feeding into fear and scarcity.
    • Transform your life, so you live in "The Land of Plenty".
    ©2019 Money Empowerment Press (P)2020 Money Empowerment Press

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