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Couverture de The King's Messenger

The King's Messenger

De : Susanna Kearsley
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    "I've loved every one of Susanna's books! She has bedrock research and a butterfly's delicate touch with characters—sure recipe for historical fiction that sucks you in and won't let go!"—DIANA GABALDON, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Outlander

    New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling author Susanna Kearsley explores romance, court alliances, and the limits of one's duty in this rich story of an ordinary man in service to a treacherous king, and the mission that brings him to love and his true calling.

    In 1613, King James sends his messenger Andrew Logan to Scotland to arrest his late son's close advisor Sir David Moray. Accompanied by his aloof neighbor Phoebe Westaway, Andrew slowly untangles the real point of his mission—to frame Sir David for Prince Henry's death. But Andrew is unwilling to bring an innocent man into a treacherous betrayal.

    Andrew's feisty and lovely neighbor Phoebe Westaway has always been stand-offish to Andrew, having heard malicious gossip against him. But as they journey to Scotland and back, Phoebe has the opportunity to see Andrew for the honorable and loyal man that he is, and her change of heart may open new possibilities for them once their mission is complete.

    ©2024 Susanna Kersley (P)2024 Recorded Books

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