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The Kindred Life

De : Christine Marie Bailey
Lu par : Christine Bailey
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    Read by the author.

    Even though technology makes us more “connected” than ever, we still hunger for authentic relationships—with the natural world, our creator, and one another. But how do we find them, especially when we’ve lost touch with many of the foundational rhythms that draw us together?

    The Kindred Life is a rallying cry for real connection in a time when we need to re­capture what’s been lost. In this collection of stories, photos, and recipes from her home on Kindred Farm in Santa Fe, Tennessee, sustainable farmer Christine Bailey shares both the beautiful and gritty moments as she grew from a hopeful urban gardener to co-owner of a farm full of produce, bees, chickens, and flowers that provides meaningful experiences for friends, family, and hundreds of guests each year.

    Kindred means “tribe” or “family,” and at the center of The Kindred Life is an invita­tion to pursue the experiences that unite us, like spending time in the dirt, slowing down, and joining in a simple meal under the stars. We were all created with the ability to carve out a life of connection, and it’s worth every bit of sweat it takes to get there. We can slow down. We can step forward in bravery to do hard things well. And we can be intentional about gathering with and investing in others.

    Discover the beauty of community, the magic of coming together around the table, and the lessons the land can teach you as you unearth your very own Kindred Life—right where you are.

    Recipes and reflection questions are included in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Christine Marie Bailey (P)2022 Harper Horizon

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