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Couverture de The Ka of Gifford Hillary

The Ka of Gifford Hillary

De : Dennis Wheatley
Lu par : Gareth Thomas
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    I am in prison awaiting trial for the murder of my wife's lover... My version of what occurred is so utterly fantastic that it is certain to be taken as an attempt by me to show that I am mad. But the doctors have already agreed that I am sane; so for myself I see no escape from the gallows. Nevertheless, I swear by Almighty God that all I am about to dictate into a recording machine is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    With Sir Gifford Hillary and Wing Commander Johnny Norton involved in plans to counter the might of Soviet Russia, interest soon centres on the evil Lady Ankaret and the tragedy which occurred at Longshot Hall, South Hampshire, on the night of the 9th September. A victim is struck down, and from that moment onwards the events which follow seem, at first, fantastic and unbelievable–but are later realised to be entirely logical. What does happen after death? And why should Sir Gifford find himself in prison, on trial for his life?

    ©1956 Wheatley Books Ltd. and International Literary Properties UK Ltd (P)2024 Royal Wave Media, Inc.

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