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Couverture de The Jupiter Sun

The Jupiter Sun

De : Michael Mathiesen
Lu par : Michael Mathiesen
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    This idea came to me from an earlier work of Science Fiction of mine—The Book To End All Books—by Michael Mathiesen. In the story, the main character lands her first job out of college in helping in the Jupiter Project—which consists of igniting Jupiter into our second sun. In doing the research for my story, to make it more realistic, I found that scientists had already used red lasers to create fusion reactions in the lab. These were obviously small enough so that they didn't burn down the whole state of Nebraska. They used just a few atoms of Hydrogen to test their theory. And, it worked producing fusion energy for the first time, but now replicated many hundreds of times around the world.

    So, this means that by upscaling our nuclear fusion reaction and creating huge amounts of energy, all we have to do is put this same kind of laser cannons on the four largest moons of Jupiter and fire into the center of the mass of Jupiter because it's completely Hydrogen gas, Hydrogen plasma and even Hydrogen so dense it's called 'Metallic'. This mimics the conditions of our sun over 6 billion years ago when it was also a huge gas ball and only needed a spark to ignite its main ingredient into the gigantic fusion reaction that gives all the energy that all life on planet Earth needs. A 2nd Sun would solve all our energy problems I reasoned and the impacts would be all positive.

    In this book, we go over the details of how NASA and hopefully Spacex and Blue Origins can get together and create a mission to create a 2nd sun in the sky. Imagine how other civilizations all around the universe who are able to look up into the sky around their planets with telescopes and instruments as powerful as ours and they notice a completely new star blazing into the night sky. They might even be able to conclude that this star had to have been created by an intelligent life form, a life form that may have achieved something no other life form had ever done before.

    ©2023 Michael Mathiesen (P)2023 Michael Mathiesen

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