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Couverture de The Journey to CEO Success

The Journey to CEO Success

De : Patrick Thean, Michael Praeger
Lu par : Chris Abell
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    Pack your bags for the transformational quest of leading a dynamic, fast-growth organization in The Journey to CEO Success. Distilling more than 20 years of experience coaching visionary leaders, executive mentor Patrick Thean identifies seven essential practices that enabled Michael Praeger to transform AvidXchange from a promising startup into the billion-dollar public company it is today. This book blends compelling real-world stories with battle-tested tactics to equip entrepreneurs and CEOs to thrive.

    From negotiating potential company existential situations to spectacular year-over-year growth, gain front-row access to the crucible moments that tempered Praeger into the inspirational servant leader he embodies. Journey alongside Patrick as he guides Praeger and other pioneering executives to achieve alignment across their organizations and turn their cultures into competitive weapons to attract top talent.

    Through humility and insatiable curiosity, learn to spot emerging problems early and course-correct quickly. Discover the keys to constructing world-class leadership teams hyper-focused on serving core customers. Whether you’re an aspiring founder driving early traction or a seasoned executive steering a maturing organization, Patrick delivers the roadmap to build an enduring, thriving business.

    Overflowing with hard-won wisdom and replete with thoughtful exercises to apply these leadership principles immediately, The Journey to CEO Success is your indispensable guide to accelerate growth, inspire your team, and equip your company to reach extraordinary new heights. If you only listen to one leadership book this year, make it this one!

    ©2024 Patrick Thean & Michael Praeger (P)2024 Patrick Thean & Michael Praeger

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