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Couverture de The Jesus Dilemma

The Jesus Dilemma

De : S. M. Carlson
Lu par : Michael Goldsmith
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    From the acclaimed author of "Finding God in the Unexpected," S. M. Carlson returns with "The Jesus Dilemma: Faith, History, and Mythology," a riveting exploration into the complex narratives surrounding Jesus Christ. This book weaves through the historical evidence, theological debate, and mythological tales to present a nuanced perspective on one of history's most scrutinized figures. Leveraging his journey from skepticism to belief, Carlson invites listeners to delve into the questions that have puzzled scholars and faithful alike for centuries.

    "The Jesus Dilemma" is more than a book; it's an invitation to journey through the corridors of time, examining the life and legacy of Jesus with fresh eyes. Whether you're a devout believer, a curious skeptic, or somewhere in between, Carlson's thoughtful analysis and personal insights offer a compelling case for the profound impact of Jesus's story on history and humanity. Prepare to be challenged, enlightened, and inspired as you uncover the layers of faith, history, and mythology with "The Jesus Dilemma."

    ©2024 S. M. Carlson (P)2024 S. M. Carlson

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