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  • The Jesus Code: Unlocking the Secret Meaning of His Teachings

  • The Meaning of Life
  • De : Ren Lexander
  • Lu par : Ren Lexander
  • Durée : 5 h et 31 min

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The Jesus Code: Unlocking the Secret Meaning of His Teachings

De : Ren Lexander
Lu par : Ren Lexander
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    The teachings of Jesus have been utterly misunderstood for 2,000 years. This has had devastating consequences for millions of individuals and entire countries–consider all the wars of religion. Jesus himself explicitly said that he was talking to the masses in code: “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand...” (Mark 4:11-12).

    For century after century, priests and popes, agnostics and atheists, and countless billions of Christians have failed to crack this code. “True believers” have prayed, preached, persecuted, and perished because they believed in things different to what Jesus actually taught, all because he spoke in code.

    Now, The Jesus Code has been broken. You will come to understand:

    • The meaning of each and every one of Jesus’s (coded) parables.
    • Parables that one scholar described as "abstruse and enigmatic parables that are nearly impossible to understand". Not anymore.
    • The meaning of The Beatitudes ("Blessed are the...") and why it is the single most important teaching of all time. (Yes, even for agnostics and atheists).
    • The real meaning of the Lord's prayer. This prayer has been repeated trillions of times, but all those billions of people faithfully repeating it never understood what this prayer was actually about.
    • The meaning of the four key unique expressions used by Jesus: "The kingdom of God", "the Holy Spirit", "baptism by the Holy Spirit", and "son of man".

    Prepare to be shocked by how little you understood of the teachings of Jesus. Prepare for a revelation.

    ©2022 Ren Lexander (P)2022 Ren Lexander

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