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Couverture de The Jersey Death Squad

The Jersey Death Squad

De : Mark Meding
Lu par : Anthony Ziello
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    This is a story about four friends who grew up together in rural northern New Jersey. The four are close enough to be brothers- chosen family- whose loyalty and love for one another becomes a powerful force in their lives growing up. But when the boys witness a tragic accident befall a local police officer, they are severely impacted, especially upon learning the full extent of the injury.

    As the boys witness the impact of the tragedy on their friend's wife and family, they create a pact: if any one of the boys should ever become a mental or physical burden to their friends or family, the remaining friends need to end their life. Decades later, once the boys grow up to be men, they are devastated to learn that due to a horrible accident, one of them meets the condition they had described in the pact. The remaining friends connect with one another and set off on a journey to get to their soul brother to fulfill their fateful obligation.

    A compelling, frequently funny story about reconnection, friendship, and love that asks the question....?? can the boys fulfill the pact and murder their friend this many years later and with so much to lose? ??


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