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Couverture de The Island of Doctor Moreau

The Island of Doctor Moreau

De : H.G. Wells
Lu par : Arthur Lane
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    Edward Pendrick, the sole survivor of a shipwreck, lands on a mysterious island inhabited by the eccentric, brilliant scientist Dr. Moreau and his assistant Montgomery. Dr. Moreau's passion is physiology - he incessantly works on crossbreeding various animal species, simultaneously enriching them with human traits. These horrifying and macabre experiments soon spiral out of control, unleashing true horror on the island.

    "The Island of Doctor Moreau" is not only a commentary on the theory of evolution, divine creation, or the nature-culture dichotomy. Contemporary listeners will easily discover that Herbert George Wells' book, despite being over 120 years old since its publication, still seems remarkably relevant. In the face of new discoveries in biotechnology, cloning techniques, and genetic modification of organisms, it takes on a prophetic character. Wells once again demonstrates that the progress of science not only offers humanity hope for a better future but can also lead our species to the brink of destruction.

    Public Domain (P)2023 Gates of Imagination

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