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Couverture de The Island Model

The Island Model

De : Daisy Papp
Lu par : Daisy Papp
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    Daisy Papp is an excellence coach and the author of the groundbreaking "five plus two" love formula. Over the years, Daisy has further developed the island model, an invention/intervention of renowned psychologist and top management trainer Vera F. Birkenbihl. It is a surprisingly easy-to-understand metaphor that changes the insights and outlooks of the listener, the island apprentice. 

    The Island Model is logical, to the point, and quickly becomes an asset with high yield. This practical advice is recommended to anyone who wants to successfully live a more content and balanced life filled with tolerance and acceptance. 

    In this audiobook, you will learn: 

    • How top achievers use the island model as an asset
    • How to shed cultural, traditional, educational, and economical differences so you can focus your energy on tolerance and acceptance
    • How knowing why people (including you) do what they do, when they do it, can help you to succeed
    ©2017 Daisy Papp (P)2019 Daisy Papp
    • Version intégrale Livre audio

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