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Couverture de The Island

The Island

De : Natasha Preston
Lu par : Caitlin Kinnunen
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    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Hot on the heels of the New York Times bestsellers The Twin and The Lake, another pulse-pounding read from the undisputed queen of YA thrillers!

    They said goodbye to their friends and family for the weekend. They weren’t counting on forever.

    Jagged Island: a private amusement park for the very rich—or the very influential. Liam, James, Will, Ava, Harper, and Paisley—social media influencers with millions of followers—have been invited for an exclusive weekend before the park opens. They’ll make posts and videos for their channels and report every second of their VIP treatment.

    When the teens arrive, they're stunned: the resort is even better than they’d imagined. Their hotel rooms are unreal, the park’s themed rides are incredible, and the island is hauntingly beautiful. They’re given a jam-packed itinerary for the weekend.

    But soon they'll discover that something's missing from their schedule: getting off the island alive.

    ©2023 Natasha Preston (P)2023 Listening Library


    A Publishers Weekly bestseller!

    "Few authors who aren’t named Karen McManus can do YA thrillers as well as Natasha Preston."--PASTE

    "Keeps the tensions high right up to the very last word."--SLJ

    "Preston utilizes the uniqueness of the human-made island setting to great effect, providing an impish playfulness to the steadily escalating stakes and body count."--PW

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