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Couverture de The Invisible War

The Invisible War

De : Emily Refermat
Lu par : Timothy McKean
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    Garrison doesn't know it yet, but a battle rages in the shadows of ordinary life.

    Left at his estranged grandmother's hobby farm for the summer, Garrison plans to numb his feelings of abandonment with video games. But little by little, odd and eerie occurrences reveal that this farm is not what it seems. In fact, there's something otherworldly going on, and a sinister presence lurks in the shadows, plotting not just against Garrison, but all of humanity.

    Carly arrives at the farm injured, with no memory of how she got that way. It all starts to come back in bits and pieces: an ominous man, a spy sent to find a powerful artifact, and a personal secret she'll go to great lengths to keep. Is she brave enough to face the truth of her past and, with Garrison, change the course of the future?

    Come along on this fantastical tale of mystery, budding romance, and the amazing power that can come from the bonds of friends and family.

    ©2024 Black Rose Writing (P)2024 Beacon Audiobooks


    "Emily Refermat leads the reader into the story just far enough, then plops in a twist. We're off, and then, she does it again! And again." –Mary Ann Noe, author of Water the Color of Slate

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