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Couverture de The Intersection Between Native American DNA, Diabetes, and the Colonial Diet

The Intersection Between Native American DNA, Diabetes, and the Colonial Diet

De : Anthony Farrior
Lu par : Craig Mahalic
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    I made this book from the data I collected. All around me when I was young healthy-looking people older than me with native American characteristics were losing limbs because of the "Sugar disease". I mentally noted it but only paid it attention one night after work I ate a lot of fruit... I mean a lot. That night I ran to the bathroom multiple times and experienced extreme thirst. So I drank everything in the fridge that morning before work (Orange Juice, Milk, etc).

    Later that day I had to leave work early because even with my glasses, far-away items seemed fuzzier than usual. That night I walked into the emergency room with my symptoms and after four lines of needles (2 in each arm), they said I was experiencing hyperglycemia. It was off the charts when I arrived but after injecting insulin and staying the weekend in the hospital I got down to the low 300's.

    I was not over morbidly overweight, 6ft 260lbs to me seemed fine. I am however ethnically mixed with Native American and African American. It was a shock. Years before they told me I was prediabetic but only told me to eat a "Mediterranean Diet". Where would I get that at the local market? Why is that diet not the one I'm presented with on TV and everywhere else? So this is what I found out after the fact. Hopefully, it helps you before you go through what I went through...

    ©2024 Anthony Farrior (P)2024 Anthony Farrior

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