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  • The Innovation Mindset

  • Eight Essential Steps to Transform Any Industry
  • De : Lorraine Marchand
  • Lu par : Kim Niemi
  • Durée : 9 h et 53 min

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The Innovation Mindset

De : Lorraine Marchand
Lu par : Kim Niemi
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    Innovation requires more than a eureka moment. The vast majority of new product ideas never make it to market. Typically, this is because of the failure to address a real problem that a customer has experienced and is willing to pay to have solved. What do people and businesses need to know about the realities of innovating in order to develop products successfully?

    Lorraine Marchand—a seasoned practitioner who has guided Fortune 500 companies and start-ups on developing and launching new ideas—lays out a step-by-step framework for spurring success. She shares her eight laws of innovation, a formula for driving significant and lasting transformation in any organization. Marchand emphasizes the frame of mind needed to spark the innovation process, underscoring the importance of creating a problem-solving culture and supporting personal curiosity, passion, and talent. She pinpoints the strengths shared by the big ideas that break through and debunks the myths that hold back aspiring creators. Drawing on her experience as a woman in a male-dominated field, Marchand discusses how to support entrepreneurship by women and highlights the contributions of underrepresented innovators.

    ©2022 Columbia University Press (P)2022 Ascent Audio

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