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  • The Inner Bonding Masterclass Live Edition

  • Heal Trauma, Anxiety, and Relationship Difficulties and Thrive as a Loving Adult
  • De : Margaret Paul PhD
  • Lu par : Margaret Paul PhD
  • Durée : 11 h et 54 min

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Couverture de The Inner Bonding Masterclass Live Edition

The Inner Bonding Masterclass Live Edition

De : Margaret Paul PhD
Lu par : Margaret Paul PhD
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    G&D Media is proud to present the next volume of The Inner Bonding Masterclass: Heal Trauma, Anxiety and Relationship Difficulties and Thrive as a Loving Adult.

    In this life-changing live recording, the second in a series, led by Dr. Margaret Paul, you will join an exclusive members-only community of caring and supportive people who are working together and helping each other heal the cycle of shame and self-abandonment—and emerge as healthier and more joyful loving adults. Here, she expands upon the first audiobook in the series, providing additional inspirational mentoring, guided meditations, and laser coaching so that you can practice Inner Bonding more effectively and apply it to your life.

    As a result of Dr. Margaret Paul’s over 50 years of personal inner work and work with her clients, Inner Bonding is a powerful and life-changing process for healing self-abandonment and learning to love and value yourself. It’s a comprehensive and practical six-step self-healing process that always works when you do it.

    ©2024 Margaret Paul (P)2024 G&D Media

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