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Couverture de The Infinet

The Infinet

De : John Akers
Lu par : Tim Morgan
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    The world's most powerful AI has some bad news for humanity.

    Oreste Pax, famed inventor of the Univiz, is in trouble. His mixed-reality glasses have replaced smartphones and computers and made him the head of the biggest technology company in the world. But after a decade at the top, his position is being challenged by disgruntled shareholders, and he needs to come up with something big to prove he should remain in charge.

    Pax’s only hope is a longshot—to reinvent the Univiz by connecting it to a brain-computer interface. To his surprise, the effort not only succeeds but reveals the possibility of a previously unknown form of human cognition. He begins to hope of not just saving his job but reinventing what it means to be human.

    But his plans are upended when a deadly computer virus begins attacking people through the Internet of Things. Shortly afterward, Pax is abducted by a group of people with technology far beyond anything he has seen before, which he learns was created by an immensely powerful artificial intelligence called the Infinet. When Pax learns the reason why the Infinet was created—and what it wants from him—he’ll have to make a choice that will change not only his life but the future of humanity.

    ©2017 John Akers (P)2019 John Akers

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