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  • The Immigrant Superpower

  • How Brains, Brawn, and Bravery Make America Stronger
  • De : Tim Kane
  • Lu par : Tim Kane
  • Durée : 11 h et 8 min

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The Immigrant Superpower

De : Tim Kane
Lu par : Tim Kane
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    America was built by immigrants, yet there has long been strong political opposition to immigration. In recent years, the hostility toward immigration has reached a tipping point. While partisan fighting and confusion over basic policy dominate a broken conversation, we often overlook a fundamental American truth: immigration makes America great.

    In The Immigrant Superpower, Tim Kane argues that immigration has been a source of American strength and American exceptionalism since the nation's founding. This book explores how immigration is essential to the military strength, economic power, and innovation of the United States. By combining stories of immigrants who have contributed to the American experience, including in the military and business, with analysis of immigration's effects on wages and unemployment, Kane presents a clear defense of greater immigration as a matter of national security. The only way to win the great power competition of the 21st century is to embrace America's identity as a nation of immigrants. As politicians in Washington continue to negotiate with no intention to reach an agreement, Kane exposes the immigration consensus hiding in plain sight. Using original, in-depth surveys of American attitudes toward immigration reform, he maps out a step-by-step process to achieve reform.

    ©2022 Tim Kane (P)2022 Tantor

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