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  • The Imagineering Pyramid

  • Using Disney Theme Park Design Principles to Develop and Promote Your Creative Ideas
  • De : Lou Prosperi
  • Lu par : Michael F. Ward
  • Durée : 6 h et 12 min

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The Imagineering Pyramid

De : Lou Prosperi
Lu par : Michael F. Ward
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    Learn from the Disney Imagineers

    Creativity. Innovation. Success. That's Disney Imagineering. It was the Imagineers who brought Walt Disney's dreams to life. Now you can tap into the principles of Imagineering to make your personal and professional dreams come true.

    Even if you're not building a theme park, the Imagineering Pyramid can help you plan and achieve any creative goal. Lou Prosperi designed the pyramid from the essential building blocks of Disney Imagineering. He teaches you how to apply the pyramid to your next project, how to execute each step efficiently and creatively, and most important, how to succeed.

    The Imagineering Pyramid is a revolutionary creative framework that anyone can use in their daily lives, whether at home or on the job. Prosperi shares with you:

    How to use "The Art of the Show" to stay focused on your mission.

    Practical tutorials for each of the fifteen building blocks that make up the pyramid.

    Creative Intent, Theming, "Read"-ability, Kinetics, Plussing, and other Imagineering concepts.

    Imagineering beyond the berm: how to apply the pyramid to fields as diverse as game design and executive leadership.

    An "Imagineering Library" of books to further your studies.


    ©2016 Louis J. Prosperi (P)2024 Louis J. Prosperi

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