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Couverture de The Hypocrite

The Hypocrite

De : Jo Hamya
Lu par : Claire Kinson
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    What happens when we stop idolising the generations above us? Stop idolising our own parents?

    What happens when we become frightened of the generations below us? Frightened of our own children?

    The Aeolian islands, 2010. Sophia, on the cusp of adulthood, spends a long hot summer with her father in Sicily. There she falls in love for the first time. There she works as her father's amanuensis, typing the novel he dictates, a story about sex and gender divides. There, their relationship fractures.

    London, Summer 2020. Sophia's father, a 61-year-old novelist who does not feel himself to be a bad or outdated person sits in a large theatre, surrounded by strangers, watching his daughter's first play. A play that takes that Sicilian holiday is its subject. A play that will force him to watch his purported crimes play out in front of him.
    ©2024 Jo Hamya (P)2024 Orion Publishing Group Limited


    The Hypocrite is an acid chamber piece that skewers the father, mother and daughter at its heart without denying them their messy, affecting humanity. It's tense, it's painful, it's funny. I loved it (Chris Power, author of A LONELY MAN)
    I thought The Hypocrite was brilliant. Thrilling and unpredictable, as a story of misunderstanding and failed connection, told with a dreamy, Sofia Coppola-esque quality. As a portrayal of artistic creation fuelled by bitterness, The Hypocrite uncovers an uncomfortable truth: how a piece of art can both unify and alienate (Natasha Brown, author of ASSEMBLY)

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