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Couverture de The Hunter's Daughter

The Hunter's Daughter

De : Nicola Solvinic
Lu par : Samantha Desz
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    As seen on the TODAY show as “the best thriller.”

    A hypnotic, sinister debut mystery about a seemingly good cop who is secretly the daughter of a notorious serial killer.

    Anna Koray escaped her father’s darkness long ago. When she was a girl, her childhood memories were sealed away from her conscious mind by a controversial hypnosis treatment. She’s now a decorated sheriff’s lieutenant serving a rural county, conducting an ordinary life far from her father’s shadow.

    When Anna kills a man in the line of duty, her suppressed memories return. She dreams of her beloved father, his hands red with blood, surrounded by flower-decked corpses he had sacrificed to the god of the forest.

    To Anna’s horror, a serial killer emerges who is copying her father—and who knows who she really is. Is her father still alive, or is this the work of another? Will the killer expose her, destroying everything she has built for herself? Does she want him to?

    But as she haunts the forest, using her father’s tricks to the hunt the killer, will she find what she needs most…or lose herself in the gathering darkness?

    ©2024 Nicola Solvinic (P)2024 Penguin Audio


    "The Hunter's Daughter is by a debut author, but 'you’d never know it from how skillfully she weaves this very dark and creepy tale,' Searles says."—Author John Searles on the TODAY Show

    “Deliciously unpredictable and absolutely engrossing, Nicola Solvinic’s The Hunter’s Daughter is one of the best debuts I’ve read in a very long time. With a dash of magical realism and the kind of complicated, conflicted heroine I love, Solvinic pulls off a nearly impossible feat: making the reader care about a woman who may well be following in her serial killer father’s footsteps. Put The Hunter’s Daughter at the top of your TBR list—I loved this book!”—Karen Dionne, bestselling author The Marsh King's Daughter

    The Hunter’s Daughter is a genuinely creepy, atmospheric debut. Solvinic has crafted a propulsive story of crimes old and new, the power of memory and the darkness that dwells inside us all. You’ll be turning pages all night and searching the woods for dark shadows (which just might be the Forest God….)”—Jennifer McMahon, author of My Darling Girl

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