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  • The Humanity Archive

  • Recovering the Soul of Black History from a Whitewashed American Myth
  • De : Jermaine Fowler
  • Lu par : Jermaine Fowler
  • Durée : 15 h et 47 min

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The Humanity Archive

De : Jermaine Fowler
Lu par : Jermaine Fowler
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    New York Times Bestseller

    This sweeping survey of Black history shows how Black humanity has been erased and how its recovery can save the humanity of us all.

    "An innovative reading of Black history, gracefully joining it to the larger history of all humankind."Kirkus Starred Review

    Using history as a foundation, The Humanity Archive uses storytelling techniques to make history come alive and uncover the truth behind America's whitewashed history.

    The Humanity Archive focuses on the overlooked narratives in the pages of the past.

    Challenging dominant perspectives, author Jermaine Fowler goes outside the textbooks to find recognizably human stories. Connecting current issues with the heroic struggles of those who have come before us, Fowler brings hidden history to light.

    Praise for The Humanity Archive:

    From the African Slave Trade to Seneca Village to Biddy Mason and more, The Humanity Archive is a very enriching read on the history of Blackness around the world. I was hooked by Fowler's storytelling and would recommend others who want to pore over a book that outlines critical moments in history—without putting you to sleep. — Philip Lewis, Senior Editor, HuffPost

    Fowler sees historical storytelling and the sharing of knowledge as a vocation and a means of fostering empathy and understanding between cultures. A deft storyteller with a sonorous voice, Fowler's passion for his material is palpable as he unfurls the hidden histories. — Vanity Fair

    ©2023 Jermaine Fowler (P)2023 Row House by Spotify Audiobooks

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