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The Human Spirit

De : Gabriel Ramirez
Lu par : Elizabeth Taylor
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One of the few species in the universe that destroyed their planet no greater love has a man than he lay down his life for his brother. Not for billions, not for glory, not for fame, for one person, in the shadows, where no one will ever know or see. We, humans, are made of contradictions, right, and evil, order and chaos, love, and hate.

Peace and passion, we know them, we recognize them, we accept them in general, it is from this diversity our strength comes, we fall, and we rise. If humanity ever starts opening up faster than light short cuts in the cosmos, we will not wait a million years to leave this solar system. It will be a rush to move to other earth like unspoiled worlds.

What is right or wrong?

Are you going to leave this life knowing you made it a better place?

A hero is someone who sees something that needs to do and does it because to do anything else is unthinkable. Either that or someone who is just so cold, tired, hungry that they just don't give a damn anymore. The Bible answer is, we will never see a soul until we enter in the spiritual realm, for the things that seen are temporary, but the things that seen are eternal. Much of "science" is just like opinions, conjectures, guesses, personal information, etc.

©2020 Gabriel Ramirez (P)2020 Gabriel Ramirez
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