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Couverture de The Human Injury

The Human Injury

De : Anthony Wall
Lu par : Anthony A. Wall Jr.
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    Humanity is on the clock. A beleaguered modern humanity has normalized the growing calamities around us. What other choice did we have? 

    Normalization is the arrival point of helplessness. A faltering humanity, fully chained to its evolutionary past, cannot find its future. Human degradation stops now. We now have a key, rich evolutionary data that allows human beings to know who we truly are. Without this template, past human cultures were mathematically pre-ordained to perish. And perish they did, with the precision of a radium clock. Humans are like and equal beings, born to run, born to seek communion with others. We abandoned collaboration in favor of acquisition. The breakdown was immediate, catastrophic, and mathematical.

    The Human Injury describes the immensity of evolutionary influence upon modern behavior. Base human compulsions activate instantly. They crowd out the thinking mind. They fight enemies that no longer exist. These ancient compulsions have reinvented. They're making the rules. The gifts of nature that once kept our ancestors alive now combine to block human arrival to sustainability.

    Anthony A. Wall, Jr. is the founder and president of Noēsis. Tony makes no apologies for painful observations. Tony graduated from the William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia. He continued his education at Lake Forest College in Chicago, IL. The liberal arts ignited Tony's lifelong interest in philosophy. His passion today is the growth of Noēsis, to partner with all humans on Earth under the banner of species' self-preservation, to understand the immensity of evolutionary influence on modern behavior.

    ©2023 Anthony A. Wall Jr. (P)2023 Anthony A. Wall Jr.

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