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Couverture de The House Sitter

The House Sitter

De : Mira V Shah
Lu par : Joseph Capp, Safiyya Ingar
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    The perfect escape... or the perfect trap?

    Two Weeks Ago: I woke up in a hotel room next to a dead man, with no memory of the night before. Panicked, I cleared up any trace that I was there and fled.

    One Week Ago: I was offered the perfect escape: the chance to housesit a gorgeous villa in a remote corner of Italy. Desperate to get away, I jumped at the chance.

    Now: The owners have unexpectedly shown up at the house. The only problem?
    They're the family of the man I woke up next to, two weeks ago.

    One of them knows my secret. And they've come to find me.

    A totally gripping and addictive psychological thriller with a killer twist you will not see coming. Fans of K. L. Slater, Lisa Jewell and The Housemaid will be gripped from the very first page.

    'A gripping destination thriller that will whisk you away to sultry Italy on a thrilling journey. Expect sleepless nights spent eagerly turning pages' Emily Freud

    'Fast gripping read... The perfect summer thriller to devour poolside, with olives and a vino rosso...' Cate Ray

    ©2024 Mira V Shah (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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