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  • The House Hacking Strategy

  • How to Use Your Home to Achieve Financial Freedom
  • De : Craig Curelop
  • Lu par : Clifford Ponder
  • Durée : 10 h et 1 min

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The House Hacking Strategy

De : Craig Curelop
Lu par : Clifford Ponder
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    House hacking 101: Don’t pay for your home, hack it and live for free!

    Savvy investors have been using a little-known but clever strategy in real estate for decades, and now, you will learn exactly how to perfect this trade secret! When mastered, house hacking can save you thousands of dollars in monthly expenses, build tens of thousands of dollars in equity each year, and provide the financial means to retire early. In fact, the average house hacker can turn a single-family home or small multifamily property into a cash-flowing investment. You can collect rent that completely covers your living expenses, and then some!

    In this audiobook, serial house hacker Craig Curelop lays out the in-depth details so you can make your first (or next) house hack a huge success.

    You will learn:

    • What house hacking is, and why it’s one of the best methods for building wealth
    • The different types of house-hacking strategies you can use - no one size fits all here!
    • The incredible connection between house hacking, wealth building, and early retirement
    • How to get started house hacking - even with low income or low savings
    • Strategies to house hack with a family, spouse, or independently
    • How to find the ideal house-hack property - even in a competitive or expensive market
    • Property management strategies to make ownership a breeze
    • Stories from real estate investors all over the country on their house-hacking triumphs, mishaps, and their purpose behind financial independence

    House hacking doesn’t have to be a mystery. Discover why so many successful investors support their investment careers with house hacking - and learn from a frugality expert who has “hacked” his way toward financial freedom!

    ©2019 Craig Curelop (P)2019 BiggerPockets Publishing

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