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Couverture de The House Across the Street

The House Across the Street

De : Jill Childs
Lu par : Kristin Atherton
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    Perfect families have the most to hide…

    I feel so lucky to live in a gorgeous house with my precious daughter on Riverside Road, surrounded by green hills and well-tended gardens. I’m just across from the Taylors, who were a second family to me when I was growing up. But late at night, I spot someone in the house across the street. Someone who shouldn’t be there…

    Lily Taylor and I are best friends and closer than sisters, but life in our idyllic neighbourhood comes to a shuddering halt when I find Lily’s father murdered in his own bed. As I break the news to Lily, I swear to her that I’ll do everything I can to help her family. Who could possibly have done this? I tell the police, but while they’re trying to find the killer, I start getting threatening notes that leave me shaking with fear. Then someone throws a brick through my eleven-year-old daughter Cassie’s bedroom window, covering her in shards of broken glass.

    As I stand in her wrecked bedroom, I make a choice. I am desperate to help Lily get justice, but my daughter’s safety has to come first. Even when I stop helping with the investigation, the messages keep coming. Someone knows what I saw, and I’m terrified they’ll come for my little girl next. But they’ve underestimated me. No matter how far I have to go, I’ll always protect the people I love…

    An astonishingly gripping psychological thriller with a truly shocking twist from USA Today bestseller Jill Childs! If you love Sally Hepworth, The Woman in the Window or Liane Moriarty, you’ll adore this up-all-night, addictive thriller.

    ©2024 Jill Childs (P)2024 Bookouture, an imprint of Storyfire Ltd.

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