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Couverture de The Homestead in the Eucalypts

The Homestead in the Eucalypts

De : Léonie Kelsall
Lu par : Casey Withoos
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    Focused on pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor in suburban Sydney, Taylor doesn't have time for love—yet it seems life has other plans when she catches the eye of charismatic Zac. However, betrayal and the financial implications of her parents' impending divorce could destroy both her plans and her passion. Escorting her distraught mother to the far side of the country, she is forced to embrace a new life in the stark South Australian countryside. Stressed and disheartened, Taylor starts to experience disturbing dreams.

    In 1877, Anna rises before the sun to milk the cow, fetch water from the almost-dry creek, and stoke the oven. If her parents had remained in Europe, instead of settling in the drought-ridden wilderness of South Australia, her life would be different—civilized, perhaps, as Mother loves to say. In Europe, she would have avoided the raging bushfire that leaves her reputation as blackened as the burnt-out scrub. But then, she would not have met handsome fellow settler, Luke Hartmann.

    In her dreams, Taylor shadows Anna, finding joy in the simplicity of the other girl's life. But as she escapes her stress by venturing deeper into Anna's world, the borders between reality and dreams become increasingly blurred. When tragedy tears Anna's family apart, Taylor must discover whether her dreams are pure fantasy—or if they recount a story more familiar than she could ever imagine.

    Either way, it seems she'll end up with a broken mind or a broken heart.

    ©2024 Léonie C. Kelsall (P)2024 W. F. Howes Ltd

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