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Couverture de The Holiday Showdown

The Holiday Showdown

De : Lila Grey
Lu par : Jessica Gardner
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    What’s Christmas without a little competition?

    Everest: I’m here in North Hollow Valley for their annual Christmas showcase. It’s the best of the best in every area you could think of; baking, sweets, woodworking, glassblowing. And that’s what I’m here for. I plan to make the best blown glass display and take home that prize money. But there’s one person in my way… Wren Eloise. My archenemy, the bane of my existence, the one person who will always best me in every way. Yet, this year is different. Those feelings I’ve tried to hide just won’t stay down any longer. The only question is, does Wren feel the same way?

    Wren: It’s a holiday showdown and I plan to win. After a hell of a year, I need this more than ever. Between health issues and the dying out of glass blowing, I’m putting my all into it. My biggest competitor may be here, but I can take Everest down with no problem. Yet, my life can never be so simple. A freak fire at the hotel leads to being forced to stay in a small cabin with Everest. Throw in a snow storm, forcing us to hunker down together, and this year can’t get any worse. But it all may be a blessing is disguise as Everest and I get back to our roots; friendship. Can I let my guard down and let those feelings flow? Or will I be lonely for Christmas once again?

    If you love forced proximity, snowed in holiday romance, and happily ever afters, this book is for you!

    ©2023, 2024 Lila Grey (P)2024 Lila Grey
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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