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The History of Intelligent Life on Earth

De : Martin K. Ettington
Lu par : Martin K. Ettington
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I'm fascinated with ancient history because there are continuous new discoveries which push back the dawn of civilization by thousands of years. In the last couple of decades, the discoveries at Gobekli Tepe in Eastern Turkey pushed back man-made structures to the time period of 9,000 to 11,000 BC - thousands of years before the next known civilizations existed. My research on ancient history has led me to write about the ancient sites around the world, underground structures, giants, the destruction of civilization about 10,500 BC, the real Atlantis, and out-of-place objects which are millions of years old.

With a wide variety of information available in books I've already written on ancient history, I decided that what was needed was a full timeline of intelligent life on Earth, from millions of years ago to the present. There are a lot of gaps in this information, but enough records, findings, and discoveries exist to propose an initial timeline of intelligent life on Earth going back hundreds of millions of years. Yes - I'm saying intelligent life has existed on Earth for that long, and since humanity and even primates didn't exist in those times at all, alien giants must have lived on the Earth way back then.

There are three parts to this book:

Part One - Millions of Years Ago

This includes stories of aliens existing on Earth in our history, many out-of-place objects made by intelligent beings, and the fossil record, which provides supporting evidence that intelligent life did exist at those times.

Part Two - The Unknown Civilizations of Man

Here we have evidence of structures built by man, but way before any accepted records that civilization or man-made constructions existed. Some of these sites may go back to 100,000 years ago.

Part Three - Post-Ice Age Civilizations

This part includes evidence for the real Atlantis and that the Younger Dryas event was actually comets striking the Earth, which caused major disasters and probably the destruction of civilizations around about 10,500 BC.

My intention is that this timeline will provide a skeleton of mankind and intelligent life's early history on Earth, which can be filled in over time to become much more detailed and prove the truth of this point of view to skeptics worldwide.

©2021 Martin K. Ettington (P)2022 Martin K. Ettington
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