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Couverture de The History of Human Space Flight

The History of Human Space Flight

De : Ted Spitzmiller
Lu par : Mark Sando
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    Military Writers Society of America Awards, Gold Medal for History

    Highlighting men and women across the globe who have dedicated themselves to pushing the limits of space exploration, this book surveys the programs, technological advancements, medical equipment, and automated systems that have made space travel possible. Beginning with the invention of balloons that lifted early explorers into the stratosphere, Ted Spitzmiller describes how humans first came to employ lifting gasses such as hydrogen and helium. He traces the influence of science fiction writers on the development of rocket science, looks at the role of rocket societies in the early twentieth century, and discusses the use of rockets in World War II warfare.

    Spitzmiller considers the engineering and space medicine advances that finally enabled humans to fly beyond the earth's atmosphere during the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. He recounts triumphs and tragedies, such as Neil Armstrong's "one small step" and the Challenger and Columbia disasters. The story continues with the development of the International Space Station, NASA's interest in asteroids and Mars, and the emergence of China as a major player in the space arena. Spitzmiller shows the impact of space flight on human history and speculates on the future of exploration beyond our current understandings of physics and the known boundaries of time and space.

    The book is published by University Press of Florida. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2017 Ted Spitzmiller (P)2024 Redwood Audiobooks


    “A strongly recommended resource.” (Choice)

    "A fascinating human saga of dedication, competition, sacrifice, and achievement." (Dave Finley, National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

    "A penetrating account of humankind's historic ventures into space." (James R. Hansen, author of First Man)

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