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Couverture de The History and Enduring Popularity of Astrology

The History and Enduring Popularity of Astrology

De : Katherine Walker, The Great Courses
Lu par : Katherine Walker
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    Whether or not you believe in the predictive powers of astrology, there can be no doubt that the ideas and terminology of stargazing have found their way into our lives and lexicons. From the days of the week to medical terminology, the language of astrology permeates our culture. So when did we first turn to the stars for answers about life on Earth? And why does an ancient practice like astrology continue to captivate us, even as we understand more about the nature of the universe than our ancestors could have ever imagined?

    Join Katherine Walker for a six-lecture exploration of astrology in the global West, beginning with its ancient roots and following its permutations across history as it adapted to the needs and interests of its many practitioners. Along the way, you will see why astronomy and astrology were once inextricably connected and you’ll consider the discoveries and influences that split them into divergent ways of thinking about the heavens. You’ll also get a deeper understanding of the four major branches of astrology and the different approaches they take to answering life’s many mysteries. As you explore the different forms of astrology that have taken shape over time, you’ll touch on subjects such as:

    · The impact of the Scientific Revolution on astrological thinking.

    · The influence of astrology on politics and religion.

    · The relationship between astrology and free will.

    · Astrology as a form of popular entertainment.

    · Astrological symbolism in art and literature, and more.

    While astrology has been continuously practiced since ancient times, you will see how different periods saw rises and dips in in the practice’s popularity, with revivals often coinciding with cultural upheavals. From ancient Mesopotamia to the Internet Age, astrology has played a crucial role in our quest to find meaning and coherent patterns for the complex puzzle of human life.

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