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  • The Highlander's Surrender

  • The Stolen Bride Series, Book 9
  • De : Eliza Knight
  • Lu par : Corrie James
  • Durée : 6 h et 52 min

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Couverture de The Highlander's Surrender

The Highlander's Surrender

De : Eliza Knight
Lu par : Corrie James
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    Ceana Montgomery had notions of marrying for love after her first disastrous marriage ended in widowhood. But now Robert the Bruce has ordered her to marry a stranger, securing a strong alliance and ending a decades-old feud. Already used as a pawn once in marriage, she is devastated that she will once more have to give up her happiness in order to please the edicts of men. And while the braw warrior standing before her might incite feelings inside her she thought long since buried, desire is a far cry from love.

    The rivalry between Brochan Lamont and his twin brother, John, began in the womb. They were pitted against each other in childhood, and their father left them with a legacy that was a race to the finish-whoever has an heir first inherits the lands. The only problem is that Brochan has given his loyalty to the Scots, and his brother to the English. In order to keep the lands and ships under Scottish control, Robert the Bruce demands Brochan marry to break the iron-clad will. His new bride harbors a fiery temperament that lures Brochan into stoking her passions instead of her ire. Aligned to strengthen the Scottish claims on the realm, Brochan and Ceana must work together to overcome the obstacles that bind them. Is it possible that love can be forged from a union born in alliance?

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2019 Eliza Knight (P)2024 Tantor

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