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Couverture de The Highland Girls on Guard

The Highland Girls on Guard

De : Helen Yendall
Lu par : Charlie Mudie
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    ‘Had me hooked from the start and I got so involved with the characters I couldn’t stop reading’ Vicki Beeby

    Scotland, 1943. It’s a long hot summer in Scotland but the Women’s Timber Corps have more than forest fires to worry about.

    Upper class Seffy has spent months proving herself to the other young women, but when new recruits arrive, she quickly feels lost again. She distracts herself by helping set up a Women’s Home Defence Corps, but the idea soon meets resistance from the locals.

    Dependable Joey had turned her back on love since she ran away from heartbreak to join the Corps, but when she crosses paths with a soldier deployed nearby, she feels a connection with him she’s never felt before – but will she be burned by love again?

    And young Tattie is desperate to impress the other women and make a new life for herself, far away from her troubled home. But her willingness to impress leaves her at risk of being used…

    As the summer beats on, can the Lumberjills pull together and protect the forest – and each other?

    'A true saga with friendship, heartbreak and joy. More please!’ Elaine Everest

    'Five stars and highly recommended' Jean Fullerton

    'Helen Yendall is a rising star in wartime sagas' Betty Walker

    'A wartime saga full of feisty, relatable characters who you take into your heart' Michelle Rawlins

    A heartwarming WW2 novel for fans of Rosie Clarke and Annie Groves

    ©2024 Helen Yendall (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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