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  • The Herringbone Harbor Mystery

  • Seaside Knitters Society, Book 7
  • De : Sally Goldenbaum
  • Durée : 8 h et 27 min

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The Herringbone Harbor Mystery

De : Sally Goldenbaum
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    It’s beginning to feel a lot like tourist season in Sea Harbor, Massachusetts, and beachside shopkeepers are getting ready for the annual wave of visitors. But even before the season starts, the heat is on to find a killer…

    The Yarn Studio’s Seaside Knitters have their hands full designing new classes for vacationers, as well as testing each other’s originality by creating a single blanket together. Birdie’s teenage granddaughter is also visiting for the season and soon has plans with her friend Daisy to start a dog-walking business. Meanwhile, the Lazy Lobster and Soup Café’s local fare is gaining newfound attention with the addition of a well-known Boston chef. It’s sure to be another beautiful, busy time in their tight-knit town…

    Until Birdie spots a huge blaze from her balcony one evening, frighteningly close to knitter Cass’s lobster business. But the morning brings news that it was a house in small Fisherman’s Cove, and a familiar fisherman is found dead inside. Not only did the young women walk his beloved sheepdog, Squid, they may have been the last people to see him alive.

    When questions surface about the actual timing of the man’s death, it turns out something is more than fishy. As suspicion rocks usually placid Sea Harbor, knitters Izzy, Birdie, Cass, and Nell must pick apart tangled secrets and wrap up false accusations—before the killer hooks another victim…

    ©2024 Sally Goldenbaum (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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