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  • The Heart's Truth: Essays on the Art of Nursing

  • Literature and Medicine
  • De : Cortney Davis
  • Lu par : Angela L. Rice
  • Durée : 4 h et 31 min

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The Heart's Truth: Essays on the Art of Nursing

De : Cortney Davis
Lu par : Angela L. Rice
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    A collection revealing the joys, fears, intimacies, and transcendent moments shared by a nurse and her patients.

    The Heart's Truth should be listened to at every nursing school in the country. It offers a powerful and moving portrait of what it means to be a nurse. In writing that is of the highest quality, the listener is swept up in the drama of nursing and the compassion with which it is perfused.

    ©2009 The Kent State University Press (P)2013 Redwood Audiobooks


    "Cortney Davis has an uncanny ability to give voice to the profound act of everyday nursing and its power in transforming the lives of people. Somehow, she sees the shadows and ghosts that fill our bodies and souls and makes sense of them, showing us that the divide between patient and provider is an artificial one that can get in the way of true understanding. The Heart's Truth reminds us of the power of reflection and narrative and challenges us to reclaim these ways of knowing in the interest of healing our patients--and ourselves." (Diana J. Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN, Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Nursing)
    " The Heart's Truth should be required reading at every nursing school in the country. It offers a powerful and moving portrait of what it means to be a nurse. In writing that is of the highest quality, the reader is swept up in the drama of nursing and the compassion with which it is perfused." (Richard Selzer, surgeon and author)
    "Davis has perfectly captured the broader arc of movement from awkward, insecure novice to competent, often morally exhausted, clinician, with a poet's touch." (Amy M. Haddad, PhD)

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