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Couverture de The Heart of Healing

The Heart of Healing

De : Bonnie Yost PT
Lu par : Bonnie Yost PT
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    The Heart of Healing is 4x4 Healing for traveling the rough terrain of life. 

    Life is a wild ride. You buckle up and hit the road running, but the hazards of life eventually take their toll. With more mountains to climb, you need all four systems (body, mind, heart, and spirit) firing on all cylinders to function at peak performance and to receive God’s best. 

    4x4 Healing combines physical therapy with life skills to heal heart, mind, spirit, and body through emotional, cognitive, and physical experience. 

    Author Bonnie Yost, gives practical, proven tools and activities - real steps you can get your arms around to help eliminate physical and emotional pain, recognize toxic lies and patterns, and replace them with the truth and joy our Creator always intended for us. 4x4 Healing meets you where you are and journeys with you to develop and practice healthy life skills. 

    Listeners will discover how to: 

    • Resolve and prevent common physical pain and problems 
    • Recognize and destroy deep, internal roadblocks 
    • Become an active, successful participant in your journey toward ultimate healing 
    • And more 

    Your pain is real. Find healing in The Heart of Healing.

    ©2021 Bonnie Yost, PT (P)2021 Bonnie Yost, PT

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