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  • The Healthy Mind

  • Simple Strategies to Keep Your Mind Healthy Overcoming Self-Defeating Behaviors
  • De : Robert Davenport
  • Lu par : Theodore Maclean
  • Durée : 3 h et 41 min

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The Healthy Mind

De : Robert Davenport
Lu par : Theodore Maclean
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    We sometimes seem to be in the middle of an epidemic of mental health problems. There are higher levels of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses than ever before, particularly among young people. The big question is whether there is anything we can do to avoid these conditions. 

    We all know the importance of eating "five a day", or five portions of fruit or vegetable every day, to maintain physical health. While the science behind the precise number is probably somewhat dubious, the importance of eating well to maintain health is not in doubt.

    But what about the mind? Are there things that you should, or should not do, in order to keep your mind healthy? Nobody is suggesting that it is possible for everyone to avoid all mental health problems. However, many scientists would say agree that there are things that can be done to maintain a healthy mind.

    ©2020 Robert Davenport (P)2020 Robert Davenport

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