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Couverture de The Healing Party

The Healing Party

De : Micheline Lee
Lu par : Veronica Chan
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    Estranged from her family, Natasha is making a life for herself in Darwin when her sister calls with bad news. Their mother is ill and has only a few months to live. Confused and conflicted, Natasha returns to the home she fled many years before. But her father, an evangelical Christian, has not changed – he is still the domineering yet magnetic man she ran from, and her sisters and mother are still in his thrall.

    One night, her father makes an astonishing announcement – he has received a message from God that his wife is to be healed, and they must hold a party to celebrate. As Natasha and her sisters prepare for the big event – and the miracle – she struggles to reconcile her family’s faith with her sense that they are pretending. Is she a traitor or the only one who can see the truth? And what use is truth anyway, in the face of death?

    ©2016 Micheline Lee (P)2023 Bolinda Publishing


    'The portrait of the family is wonderfully realised, especially the mother, whom Lee has imbued with warmth and grace, and her own inner mystery.' (Amanda Lohrey, author of The Labyrinth)

    'A wild family drama, shot through with a furious, pure and grieving love.' (Helen Garner, award-winning author of The Spare Room)

    'The Healing Party is part reality television and part an anthropological study of a strange foreign culture…[a] deceptively simple, disciplined work.' (The Saturday Paper)

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