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Couverture de The Haunting of Moonlight Mansion

The Haunting of Moonlight Mansion

De : Connor Biddle
Lu par : Robert Woody
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    Following the tragic loss of their father, twelve-year-old Max, his elder sister Emily, and their mother Jane inherit the enigmatic Moonlight Mansion. Located in the secluded town of Greenville, this grand edifice, marked by its distinctive crescent moon motifs, seems like the perfect sanctuary for the grieving Blackwood family.

    However, as they settle into their new home, it becomes clear that the mansion is not what it seems. Eerie whispers in the night, fleeting shadows in mirrors, and time-worn secrets hidden within its walls pull the family deeper into its supernatural embrace. Max, with his innate curiosity, finds himself at the center of a series of chilling encounters, each more mysterious than the last. Emily, despite her initial skepticism, is confronted by phenomena that defy explanation. Jane, in her quest for understanding, delves into the town's hushed tales, only to be met with more questions than answers.

    The surrounding woods, with their labyrinthine paths and ghostly silences, further entwine the family in the mansion's haunting legacy. Memories, both comforting and terrifying, seem to come alive, leading them on a journey where the line between the supernatural and reality becomes increasingly blurred.

    The Haunting of Moonlight Mansion is a gripping tale of a family's struggle with grief, intertwined with the mysteries of a haunted legacy. As the Blackwoods strive to decipher the mansion's enigmas, they are faced with a haunting question: In the dance of shadows beneath the crescent moon, what is real, and what is merely a specter of the mind?

    ©2023 Connor Biddle (P)2023 Paranormal Encounters

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