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The Haunting of Alice

De : Kate Higgins
Lu par : Sandie Keane
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Whose was the face first seen through the eyes of seven-year-old Alice? Why was she paid random visits over the following 12 years? Lurking in the shadows, through the mist, and once in her bedroom mirror? Always the same face, although older as the years had passed, until it became that of a young man.

Realising the sightings were for her eyes only, Alice had never told a soul of the hauntings in the hope that they would stop. When phantom telephone calls began waking her in the dead of night accompanied by mysterious knockings at the door, through rain, hail, or snow, she began to doubt her own sanity.

After first confiding in her older brother, she eventually enlisted the help of a medium to see whether it was the supernatural she was experiencing. He took her on a journey to explore what he believed to be a forgotten memory attempting to rise to the surface. Was the medium right, or was her mother, in the belief that Alice was simply sleepwalking? Was she delusional as she herself feared, or was her brother right after all, the times she’d heard him say over the years that Alice was "a bit missing"?

©2012 Kate Higgins (P)2022 Kate Higgins
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