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  • The Harvest of Moondew Valley

  • Well of Shadows | A High Fantasy Slice of Life LitRPG
  • De : D. R. R. Hatch
  • Lu par : Chris Roust
  • Durée : 16 h et 59 min

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The Harvest of Moondew Valley

De : D. R. R. Hatch
Lu par : Chris Roust
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    Alden Bramblethorn’s job at The Whispering Willow is wearing on him.

    But it’s not just that. His family is broken, and he has no living relatives. Lonely, he seeks answers from the GoldenRoot Ancestral Repository. It doesn’t take long for him to strike gold.

    There, he finds an ancient letter with a deed to Starshine Farm—a chance to leave everything behind, make real connections, and start over. And, besides, he’s a [Level 4] Chloromancer. Plants love him. Farming can’t be that difficult. Right?

    Well, turns out, it can. Especially when the property was abandoned one hundred years ago. Which begs the question: Why did his ancestor, Balthazar Wildewood, leave the farm behind and disappear? The people of Twilight Haven don’t know. Most are scared of the property, and don’t want anything to do with it. But all that changes when Alden grabs a shovel, and starts digging away.

    Pick up The Harvest of Moondew Valley: Well of Shadows today and join Alden as he uncovers the mystery of Balthazar’s past, makes connections with the villagers of Twilight Haven, and embarks on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected romance. Scroll up and click that orange BUY NOW button. You won’t regret it.

    ©2023 D. R. R. Hatch (P)2024 D. R. R. Hatch

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