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Couverture de The Hard Times

The Hard Times

De : Matt Saincome, Bill Conway, Krissy Howard
Lu par : Matt Saincome, Bill Conway, Krissy Howard
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    From the comedic minds behind comes the most accurate reporting on punk and hardcore culture in music history

    Since 2014, The Hard Times has been at the forefront of music journalism, delivering hard-hitting reports and in-depth investigations into the punk and hardcore scene. From their scathing takedown of Kim Jong-un after he appointed himself the new singer of Black Flag to their incisive coverage of a healthy Lars Ulrich being replaced by a hologram, the site has become a trusted source for all things counterculture.

    Now, in this zine-style “historical retrospective”, the writers behind the site reveal their humble roots, documenting The Hard Times’ ascension alongside the rise of punk. With original articles from their "archives" commenting on ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s punk, as well as fan favorites from the aughts onward, this comprehensive examination of the scene will make listeners dust off their Doc Martens and creepy crawl their way to the nearest pit.

    Read by the editors, Bill Conway, Krissy Howard, and Matt Saincome.

    ©2019 Hard Times Media, LLC (P)2019 HarperCollins Publishers

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