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Couverture de The Guns of Hammer

The Guns of Hammer

De : Barry Cord
Lu par : Jonathan Zabriskie
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    The rancher who battled shadow-riders from the past!

    Miles North's father, the rugged old ruler of the Hammer ranch, had suddenly saddled up and ridden away without trace or explanation. At the same time, just as young Miles found himself in a showdown fight to hold the mighty range, a group of ornery strangers rode into the land, lined themselves up alongside Hammer's foes, and started to close in. But Miles was no quitter. He knew that even though the odds against him had doubled, there was at least one way to save his hide and his father's holdings. It would involve taking a backtrail into the distant past - one that would lead either to utter disgrace or to the kind of discovery that would bring all the guns of Hammer into thundering action! But if he took that path, Miles North would face a greater danger than he had ever known - because he had forgotten the rangeland adage: old bandits never die. And a bullet blizzard lay directly ahead!

    In this exciting rangeland thriller, you will meet:

    • Miles North: The sins of his father were visited upon him.
    • Cobina Kedner: The man this doctor's daughter wanted to minister to was sworn to marry another.
    • Major Barrow: He learned the hard way that a little greed can bring a man a fortune - in grief.
    • Wyeth Brand: His motives were obscure, but his deeds were deadly.
    • Red Shaner: His life embodied the saying that the only good gunslinger is a dead gunslinger.
    • Ben Gaines: As a murderous gunman for hire, he seemed destined for a shallow grave.
    • Kate Barrow: She pledged herself to Miles but her heart to another.
    ©2019 Buckskin Editions (P)2021 Wordwooze Publishing

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