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Couverture de The Growth Mindset Workbook

The Growth Mindset Workbook

De : Elaine Elliott-Moskwa PhD, Carol Dweck PhD - foreword by
Lu par : Edelyn Okano
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    Do you ever feel like you're just not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough in certain areas? Do these beliefs keep you from seeking out new opportunities or challenges, because you're afraid of failing? If so, you may be suffering from a "fixed mindset." In contrast, a "growth mindset" is the belief that you can increase your ability or develop your attributes-that you can adapt and learn from your mistakes. But how do you cultivate a growth mindset?

    The Growth Mindset Workbook offers essential skills grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to change the way you think about your own talents and abilities. Based on the core principles outlined in Mindset by Carol Dweck, this workbook will help you shed unhelpful and self-limiting attitudes and beliefs, and replace them with a growth mindset that can increase resiliency, boost self-confidence, and form the foundation of a meaningful, values-based life.

    The most important thing to remember is that a growth mindset can be learned, and doing so can positively impact how you think, feel, and act. If you're ready to say yes to life's challenges and maximize your potential, this step-by-step guide can show you the way.

    ©2022 Elaine S. Elliott-Moskwa (P)2024 Tantor

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