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Couverture de The Grove

The Grove

De : Karri Thompson
Lu par : Ann Flandermeyer
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    Entering the woods is forbidden. To go in can mean a fate worse than death. At least that’s what 17-year-old Laura has been told. But living in a new town with nothing to do, she ignores her mother’s dire warnings and explores the forest near her home.

    The trees entice Laura deeper into the woods. A captivating, soothing voice calls her name, and she becomes lost. When a young man finds her, she thinks she’s saved. He introduces her to the Grove, a secret world of magic and mystery, and insists their meeting is more than a coincidence. For centuries, his colony has been waiting for a savior. With his alluring eyes and gentle smile, Laura almost believes his crazy story.

    Caught between worlds, and with her life at stake, she doesn’t know who to believe or trust. Her heart tells her one thing and her head another.

    Will following her destiny lead to peace, or will it only postpone the inevitable?

    ©2021 Karri Thompson (P)2021 Karri Thompson

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