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  • The Greatest Knight: The Unsung Story of the Queen’s Champion

  • William Marshal, Book 2
  • De : Elizabeth Chadwick
  • Lu par : Rosalyn Landor
  • Durée : 17 h et 16 min

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Couverture de The Greatest Knight: The Unsung Story of the Queen’s Champion

The Greatest Knight: The Unsung Story of the Queen’s Champion

De : Elizabeth Chadwick
Lu par : Rosalyn Landor
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    Royal protector. Loyal servant. Forgotten hero.

    12th century, England: A penniless young knight with few prospects, William Marshal is plucked from obscurity when he saves the life of Henry II's formidable queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine. In gratitude, she appoints him tutor to the heir to the throne, the volatile and fickle Prince Henry. But being a royal favorite brings its share of danger and jealousy as well as fame and reward.

    A writer of uncommon historical integrity and accuracy, Elizabeth Chadwick resurrects the true story of one of England's greatest forgotten heroes in a captivating blend of fact and fiction. The Greatest Knight restores William Marshal to his rightful place at the pinnacle of the British Middle
    Ages, reflecting through him the triumphs, scandals, and power struggles that haven't changed in eight hundred years.

    Fans of Phillipa Gregory, Susanna Kearsley, or Diana Gabaldon are sure to recognize The Greatest Knight as exceptional historical fiction, bringing medieval Britain to brilliant life.

    "The best writer of medieval fiction currently around."—Historical Novels Review

    ©2005 Elizabeth Chadwick (P)2024 Recorded Books

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