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  • The Greatest First-Time Dad!

  • The Pregnancy Handbook for New Fathers from Conception to the Birth of Your Baby! Overcome Anxiety, Be Proactive, and Develop Confidence as a Parent
  • De : C.R Edwards
  • Lu par : Mel Hughes
  • Durée : 4 h et 14 min

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The Greatest First-Time Dad!

De : C.R Edwards
Lu par : Mel Hughes
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    Embark on the Journey of First-Time Fatherhood with Confidence!

    Are you about to be a first-time dad? Overwhelmed with worries and uncertainties? This guide is your compass to navigate the challenges of fatherhood confidently.


    • Essential advice for managing stress and overcoming fears as a first-time dad
    • A trimester-by-trimester breakdown of pregnancy, guiding you through each stage
    • Practical tips for supporting your partner and actively participating in the pregnancy
    • A comprehensive checklist for preparing the perfect hospital baby bag
    • Guidance on staying engaged and connected after the baby arrives, including a 9-month financial planning guide

    Don't let the fear of the unknown hinder your joy of fatherhood. This comprehensive guide empowers you to face the challenges head-on, ensuring you emerge as a confident and supportive first-time dad.

    Take the first step towards greatness. Embrace the journey of fatherhood with courage and strength. Start your adventure today!

    ©2023 Charles Robinson III (P)2024 Charles Robinson III

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