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Couverture de The Great Shroud

The Great Shroud

De : Vera Morris
Lu par : Antonia Beamish
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    The Anglian Detective Agency are back

    Aldeburgh, 1972. The local community is devastated by the accidental death of a local fisherman. Another tragedy to add to the recent murders of three young women.

    Soon, Laurel Bowman, Frank Diamond and the rest of the Anglian Detective Agency are pulled in to investigate another complex and dangerous case. But one of them is convinced that the fisherman's death is not an accident and they'll do anything to prove it. Even risk breaking up the agency.

    With a killer on the loose, time is of the essence, but can Frank and Laurel unravel the mystery before another life is lost? And will the agency survive the investigation?

    Join Laurel Bowman, Frank Diamond and the rest of the Anglian Detective Agency as they embark on their latest case in this fifth instalment of Vera Morris's much-loved and thrilling mystery series.

    ©2021 Vera Morris (P)2023 Headline Publishing Group Limited

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