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Couverture de The Great Menopause Myth

The Great Menopause Myth

De : Kristin Johnson, Maria Claps
Lu par : Alyssa Bresnahan
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    “A must read for every woman in midlife, and an excellent resource to truly understand what is happening during this transition time. Additionally, within these pages, you will find ways to optimize your health before, during, and after menopause and be well informed, and empowered in your own personal advocacy. You will love it!”

    —Dr. Anna Cabeca, OB/GYN, bestselling author of The Hormone Fix and MenuPause

    You have been misled about menopause. This comprehensive guide based on the latest research in aging, women’s health, and HRT dispels decades of misinformation.

    The Great Menopause Myth is your essential resource for optimized menopause care.

    More than simply an end to fertility, menopause is a time when a woman’s health can spin out of control. The hormonal shifts of menopause impact everything from body composition and immune system function to increased risk of chronic health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

    If you’re lucky enough to even be offered menopause treatment, traditional protocols, based on decades-old shoddy science and erroneous research conclusions, have gotten it wrong. Badly wrong. For years, conventional wisdom—and medical practice—have told women nothing needs to change in their lifestyle or healthcare at midlife, and they should just white-knuckle the discomfort of hot flashes, sleeplessness, weight gain and loss of muscle mass, mood swings, painful sex, joint pain, and incontinence as if it will all just (magically) go away in a decade or two.

    The Great Menopause Myth shows you how to age wise and well at midlife and beyond. Learn actionable steps and guidelines to curate an optimized menopause regimen based on your unique health considerations.

    • Nutrition, exercise, and sleep hygiene at midlife: Best practices for aging healthy
    • Thyropause, fatty liver disease, and gut health: The overlooked systems that need attention during menopause
    • HRT or MHT: What is the difference and does it matter? (hint: it does!!)
    • Not all HRT is created equal: Low dose or physiologic? Static or rhythmic? Continuous or cyclic? Creams, gels, patches, injections, pills, or pellets? Learn how to choose the best option for you.
    • When HRT is truly not an option: Supplements and integrative options for menopause care

    Centered on your overall health and happiness, The Great Menopause Myth offers a welcome new narrative on menopause.

    ©2024 Kristin Johnson and Maria Claps (P)2024 Fair Winds Press


    "A must read for every woman in midlife, and an excellent resource to truly understand what is happening during this transition time.Additionally, within these pages, you will find ways to optimize your health before, during and after menopause and be well informed, and empowered in your own personal advocacy. You will love it!"—Dr. Anna Cabeca, OB/GYN, bestselling author of The Hormone Fix and MenuPause

    "Every word written that extols the need for and benefits of hormone replacement therapy in menopause is to be welcomed and applauded! This book furthers the dialogue on women’s need for hormones and that the 'smallest amount for the shortest time' hormone philosophy must be banished forever. By focusing on hormonal levels, doses, rhythms, and lifestyle choices, this book opens important conversations."—Dr. Felice Gersh, OB/GYN, Medical Director Integrative Medical Group of Irvine, Affiliate Faculty—Fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona School of Medicine

    "Kristin Johnson and Maria Claps have written a book that's just as important for healthcare providers as it is for midlife women themselves. I hope this book becomes available in medical school to help close the knowledge gap. This is the new menopause book for women who want to prepare and understand what perimenopause and menopause is—and isn't."—Dr. Mariza Snyder, bestselling author of The Essential Oils Hormone Solution

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